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Climate Policy Institute

Edu programs
10:00 AM–6:00 PM
Edu promenade

The Climate Policy Institute was established by Mathias Corvinus Collegium and Századvég Foundation.

It has sprung from the founders’ understanding that climate change and preparing for its effects will be key social and economic policy issues in the coming years. Adaptation to climate change requires a new strategy and the coordination of hitherto distant disciplines that the new professional workshop wishes to undertake. The studies of the Climate Policy Institute focus on five important areas: energy, nature conservation, agriculture, the protection of inanimate environmental elements (water, air, soil) and urbanism. This professional workshop is intended to accommodate a green approach and to contribute to the training of responsibly minded and acting citizens necessary for a successful environment protection and nature conservation. The director of the Institute is Dr. György Kerekes, lawyer specialised in environmental law.


-Mini eco-exhibition - with Compocity and Hybrid Cycle 
-Eco challenges - playful waste fishing and hunting



Mathias Corvinus Collegium 2024. All rights reserved